Mittwoch, 31. August 2011
Dienstag, 30. August 2011
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Mo Rohwold
Lk1z 16 Linda
The iMimic DataReactor Proxy Cache
Evaluating the impact of the API is heavily dependent on the quality of the underlying platform. A slow proxy will mask the overhead of the API, while a fast one will more easily expose the additional latency resulting from the API. The iMimic DataReactor Proxy Cache is a commercial high-performance proxy cache. It supports the standard caching modes (forward, reverse, transparent) and is portable, with versions for the x86, Alpha, and Sparc architectures and the FreeBSD, Linux, and Solaris operating systems. It has performed well in the vendor-neutral Proxy Cache-Offs, setting records in performance, latency, and price/performance [15,16,17].
We test forward-proxy (client-side) cache performance using the Web Polygraph benchmark program running a modified version of the Polymix-3 workload [16]. We use this test and workload because it has the highest number of independently-measured entries of any web proxy benchmark, and it heavily stresses proxy server performance. For the sake of time, we shorten our performance tests to use a 2 hour load plateau instead of four hours, and fill the disks only once before all tests rather than before each test. These changes shorten the load phase of the Polygraph test to roughly 6 hours instead of 10.5, and avoiding a separate fill phase reduces the length of each test by an additional 10-14 hours. The primary performance impact is a 3-4% higher hit ratio than an official test because of a smaller working set and data set. We call this modified test PMix-3.
Polygraph stresses various aspects of proxy performance, particularly in network and disk-related areas. It uses per-connection and per-packet delays between the proxy and simulated remote servers to cause cache misses to have a high response time. Likewise, it generates data sets and working sets that far exceed physical memory, causing heavy disk access. Polygraph stresses connection management by scaling the number of simulated clients and servers with the request rate.
The test system runs FreeBSD 4.4 and includes a 1400 MHz Athlon, 2 GB of memory, a Netgear GA-620 Gigabit Ethernet NIC, and five 36 GByte 10000 RPM SCSI disks. All tests use a target request rate of 1450 . This throughput compares favorably with other high-end commercial proxy servers and is over a factor of ten higher than what free software has demonstrated [16]. At this rate, the proxy is managing over 16000 simultaneous connections and 3600 client IP addresses. Given the fixed request rate, this test demonstrates any latency differences in the various test scenarios. (Polygraph also shows some run-to-run randomness in the offered workload, leading to additional minor variations.)
Table 5: Performance tests to determine overhead of implementing API
Baseline API Empty Add Body
Enabled Callback Headers Headers
Throughput (reqs/sec) 1452.87 1452.75 1452.89 1452.62 1452.84
Response time (ms) 1248.99 1248.95 1251.25 1251.98 1250.14
Miss time (ms) 2742.53 2743.18 2744.33 2745.07 2746.98
Hit time (ms) 19.82 19.86 20.87 20.85 22.10
Hit ratio (%) 57.81 57.81 57.76 57.74 57.85
Next: API Implementation Overhead Up: Implementation and Performance Previous: Implementation and Performance
Vivek Sadananda Pai 2003-01-17
Mo Rohwold
La Prochaine Fois (The Next Time)
Mo Rohwold
Mo Rohwold
Samstag, 27. August 2011
Freitag, 26. August 2011
Rechtsanwalt und Notar Gisbert Bultmann | Magensonde ?
Mo Rohwold
Donnerstag, 25. August 2011
Dienstag, 23. August 2011
My AmpKit Session: Session 07 (Dry)
7sek trash "ja klar wir sind fuer sie da"
AmpKit is a guitar amp and pedal studio for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Learn more at
My AmpKit Setup: Studio
AmpKit is a guitar amp and pedal studio for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Learn more at
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iProgram project #004b
Subj: iProgram project #004b
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011, 5:02:29am
Attached are the .PDF file and accompanying compressed Xcode project for iProgram's Project #004b.
If you have any problems with these files, please do not hesitate to contact
iProgram project #005a
Subj: iProgram project #005a
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011, 5:01:30am
Attached are the .PDF file and accompanying compressed Xcode project for iProgram's Project #005a.
If you have any problems with these files, please do not hesitate to contact
iProgram project #005c
Subj: iProgram project #005c
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011, 5:01:24am
Attached are the .PDF file and accompanying compressed Xcode project for iProgram's Project #005c.
If you have any problems with these files, please do not hesitate to contact
iProgram project #018
Subj: iProgram project #018
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011, 4:59:51am
Attached are the .PDF file and accompanying compressed Xcode project for iProgram's Project #018.
If you have any problems with these files, please do not hesitate to contact
iProgram project #002b
Subj: iProgram project #002b
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011, 4:59:09am
Attached is the .PDF file for iProgram's Project #002b (there is no accompanying Xcode project).
If you have any problems with this file, please do not hesitate to contact
iProgram project #000
Subj: iProgram project #000
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011, 4:58:40am
Attached is the .PDF file for iProgram's Project #000 (there is no accompanying Xcode project).
If you have any problems with this file, please do not hesitate to contact
Montag, 22. August 2011
Sonntag, 21. August 2011
Probieren Sie mal Duplicate Remover von Apple App Laden.
Mo Rohwold
Samstag, 20. August 2011
IMDb: Langoliers - Die andere Dimension
Langoliers - Die andere Dimension
Gesendet von IMDb iPhone app. | IMDb bei Facebook | IMDb bei Twitter
Freitag, 19. August 2011
Donnerstag, 18. August 2011
Mittwoch, 17. August 2011
barcoo: iTunes Music Karte 15 EUR
Titel: iTunes Music Karte 15 EUR
barcoo unterstützt Dich als bewussten Verbraucher und bringt kostenlos Produktinformationen direkt auf Dein Handy!
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Mo Rohwold
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Mo Rohwold
The Gift (2000) Trailer
Mo Rohwold
Dienstag, 16. August 2011
Montag, 15. August 2011
The Gift (2000) Trailer
Mo Rohwold
Sonntag, 14. August 2011
Samstag, 13. August 2011
iProgram project #020
Subj: iProgram project #020
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2011, 1:54:59am
Attached are the .PDF file and accompanying compressed Xcode project for iProgram's Project #020.
If you have any problems with these files, please do not hesitate to contact
iProgram project #018
Subj: iProgram project #018
From: Rodney Pearson <>
Date: Sun, Aug 14, 2011, 1:53:52am
Attached are the .PDF file and accompanying compressed Xcode project for iProgram's Project #018.
If you have any problems with these files, please do not hesitate to contact
Freitag, 12. August 2011
Donnerstag, 11. August 2011
Mittwoch, 10. August 2011
Inside AdSense-Deutsch
Mo Rohwold
Dienstag, 9. August 2011
Dat. Teil
Mo Rohwold
Mo Rohwold
Google's first production server at the Computer History Museum
Mo Rohwold
My AmpKit Setup: Wah Mo Pedal
AmpKit is a guitar amp and pedal studio for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Learn more at